The Surreal Writer

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My writing and jewelry making have, over the past little while taken on new life. They would have remained hidden had it not been for the beautiful people on this page. There is not enough web space to include them all, nor enough words to describe the few I have here. The order of appearance on this page is not an order of importance. Each is classified as number 1. Read each one and learn that there are people in this cold world that take time out of their lives to care for others. All but one are writers. These people carry a special place in my heart and future.

Everyone listed below and even more so the young lady listed on the opening page, has influenced my life. There is a special room in heaven for these angels. At the front, greeting all will be the special angel, with rainbow wings. Please treat these folks with the most highest of regards for rarely does one person have the opportunity to meet people of this caliber. I feel special knowing the people here that envelope me.

Rose Berry
A friend, ex-wife, mother of our children and one of the strongest influences I've ever had. There have been both up and down times, but this girl is always there, always pushing me. If it was not for Rose, there would be no writing, no jewelry. She has supported me, pushed me and had to deal with my warped sense of humor. She still does. She is someone not to be argued with, but yet, someone to listen to. She taught me well. She has put up with and been there to comfort me when the worst happens. She literally saved my life. This girl is not a writer yet she has ideas and using me to put her ideas on paper. Guess I learn to write sci fi.

Barbara Williamson-Wood
The spirits are alive and well and have a voice. Barbara, aka Babs, speaks loud and clear and lets her Indian heritage be her guide. She is a poetess, with no rival. Traveling from Florida to Montana with only the name of a town and one person showed just how strong she really is. Follow her in her travels as she publishes the journal of the trip. I know her and have spoken often with her. I am proud to call her one of my best friends. This young lady speaks with the power of the mystics and her energy is so vibrant my computer just shakes when she comes on. Babs has more energy than anything man can devise.

Janet Elaine Smith
Grace, of Patrick and Grace, had to be modeled after Janet! I have been privileged to be able to read many of the books this young lady has written. WoW! There are many writers in this world, but few have been able to get and hold my attention as well as Janet. She has read what I write and seen my jewelry and offered, no pushed, me to keep going. To have someone of her caliber actually like what I write is most humbling. I am proud to call her a very dear and close friend. There are some people in this world for whom there are not enough words to describe and Janet is at the top of that list. If there is a word of kindness, it fits her. Check the links page and add her works to your library. She knows me almost as well as my soulmates and that is saying a lot. I have not let many get that close but not many are as special as Janet!

Dorothy Thompson
There are soulmates, and then there are stubborn netmates. This stubborn netmate writes about soulmates. Stubborn? Yes, because she won't let me stop promoting. That is a very good thing. I only wish that all who are unsure of themselves, like I am could have a stubborn netmate like this. She believes in me which means I need to figure out how to believe in me. I am getting better. Thanks Dorothy, for being there when I needed the kick in the appropriate area.

Keep checking back, this list is growing!